Windows 11 official release date is here

Windows 11 official release date is here Microsoft Windows 11 release date: While the company hasn’t provided an official release date for the upcoming Windows 11 update, but here’s why it may arrive in October and that too on this particular day Now, a report by The Verge points out that the company’s official press images that were released after the company unveiled Windows 11 last week, could contain some hints as to the possible release date of Windows 11. One of the images has the taskbar date set to October 6, while another image shows the date set to October 20. While these are both conflicting dates, it suggests the company is looking at the month of October to release Windows 11. The Verge reports says that the 'official marketing material strongly hints at an October 20th date'. Microsoft Windows 11 release date: The company’s biggest visual and design rollout of the past decade concerning its operating system has driven users' interest sky-high. Also it is the ...